1st Open Call of the Imagine B5G project

Thursday, July 6, 2023 - 13:00 to 16:30

In order to enlighten the community about the project objectives and missions as well as the structure of the open call, Instituto de Telecomunicações is organizing an information session on July 6th, 2023, at their premises at Aveiro, Portugal. The session will provide an overview of the Portuguese facility, the shortlisted verticals, the relevant use cases and the project roadmap.

The session will take place from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., with the following alignment:

14:00 - Rui Aguiar: Reception and Welcome Session 
14:10 - José Quevedo: Imagine B5G Project Presentation and Portugal Support
14:30 - David Santos: Open Calls Format and process 
14:50 - José Quevedo: Target Verticals and potential Use-Cases
15:10 - Discussions and doubts
15:30 - Coffee Break
15:50 - Reserved Slot for individual partner discussions

Beyond-5G mobile networks hold the promise of fostering leadership in innovation by addressing the requirements of a fast-growing variety of use cases from several sectors. IMAGINE-B5G is a Smart Network and Services (SNS) project that leads the way to concretize such a promise by providing an advanced and accessible 5G experimental platform for Large-Scale Trials and Pilots in Europe, aiming to explore and test B5G vertical uses cases, capitalizing on the integration of advanced 5G technologies.